Dane Groeneveld

Chief Executive Officer

“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Dane is passionate about teamwork and seeking new ways to unlock the potential of people, and the roles that they can play in business. He is also fascinated by the changing shape of tomorrow’s workplace and enjoys exploring ways for employers, the community, and technology to come together to address opportunities such as diversity and inclusion, partnering initiatives, training and knowledge transfer, innovation, disruption, and cost-effectiveness.

As an operating executive, Dane has worked for public companies, private equity-backed businesses, and family-owned businesses experiencing steep growth curves. He has previously led sales from $400 million to $1 billion-plus in revenue in an organic growth cycle in a global business. Since taking his first CEO position, his team has been responsible for delivering 4x growth in six years. He has participated in over a dozen acquisitions and entered new markets organically.

Dive into The Future of Teamwork podcast, where collaboration is more than a buzzword. It’s an art and science we aim to master. Hosted by Dane, we focus on the facets that make teams tick. Check it out here: The Future of Teamwork Podcast