Coaching for Growth & Impact

What We Do

LEAD3R excels in partnering with intentional leaders dedicated to developing themselves, their people, teams, and organizations. We offer a meticulous client/coach matching process, providing a ‘white glove’ service that establishes vital foundations for successful coaching. Our expertise spans leadership development, performance, innovation, retention, internal mobility, wellbeing, belonging, and inclusion, ensuring comprehensive support for organizational growth and success.

1:1 Executive Coaching

This engagement typically begins with an in-depth assessment to identify the coachee’s strengths, areas for improvement, and specific goals. Through regular, confidential sessions, the coach provides tailored guidance, feedback, and strategies to address challenges and leverage opportunities. The focus areas may include leadership development, strategic thinking, communication skills, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. The coach also supports the coachee in creating and implementing actionable plans, fostering accountability, and tracking progress. This individualized approach ensures a significant and lasting impact on the executive’s personal and professional growth.

Platinum Edge Coaching

Platinum Executive Coaching is a specialized tool designed for our customers to selectively use for their top talent—individuals whose roles are so critical and whose caliber is so exceptional that only the best will do.

Our approach involves quick sprints followed by immersive, in-the-trenches application, ensuring that the learning sticks.

Team Accelerator Coaching

At LEAD3R, we help senior leaders and HR departments build high performing teams that drive healthier engagement and better results.  Our approach is personal, systemic and change-focused.  Our strategy generates new perspectives that accelerates team alignment and expands team effectiveness, all in service of our clients’ goals. Our programs are high-impact, low-friction, and data driven via the RallyBright ‘Resilient Teams’ online platform.

Game-changing Coaches

LEAD3R has a cadre of highly vetted “best in the business” seasoned executive coaches as part of our extended team. More information upon request.

Empowering you to realize your full leadership potential.

Optional components include

Personality Instruments
(MBTI, INSIGHTS, Hogan, etc.)

360-degree Feedback Assessment

Inclusive Leadership Coaching

Identification of
Individual Values

Onboard Coaching

Leadership Transition Coaching

Nearly 60% of our coaching participants return for additional engagements.

Over 300+ participants have completed the Leader Essentials program.

Connect with the team

Engage LEAD3R to help accelerate your leader development today.

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